Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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LOL, I think most of the women in our clan are ready to punch us guys in the face by meal time. Preparation for a holiday meal is not as fun for the cooks. While us guys watch football.
The saying at my grandparents' house was always "let them eat their football" in regards to the men being hungry lol. Now it just makes me sad to think about.
Haha I agree. Turkey is bullshit…..I mean, there’s no Kentucky Fried Turkey:haha: nobody ever looks forward to turkey nuggets, turkey strips…..none of that. We all just fight over the dark meat, and pout when we have to eat a dry ass breast:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ham is clearly the better choice….or chicken. I was extremely close to buying and smoking a chicken.
Turkey bacon, ground turkey... big turkey trying to get more than 2 days of action a year lmao. Mom made turkey soup once with ground turkey and now "its turkey soup" is the term coined for when a meal is generally meh lol.
Thanksgiving is hard. Yesterday is the worst. I'm ok just sad but now I get to block it out for the next little bit till it crops up again. Hubby mentioned yesterday I probably should see a therapist about it but meh.

Live Stoner do it for Free............:pighug:......who needs Therapy.....?..........:pass:.....
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