Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Turkey bacon, ground turkey... big turkey trying to get more than 2 days of action a year lmao. Mom made turkey soup once with ground turkey and now "its turkey soup" is the term coined for when a meal is generally meh lol.
:what?: Told the wife that we need to buy a turkey roast it and cut her all up for cold sandwiches. That’s my favorite part of Thanksgiving the leftovers.
panels jonesing for Sola's photon embrace, the long wait begins.....
Good Morfnoevight All you happy LS stoners.

Wife wants a Roomba for Xmas......been checking em out.....anyone got one they can share their experience?
We have had 3. We love them when they work. They wear out pretty fast 2 years tops. Handled the pet hair very well. We did not have a self-empty type. Your wife will love you for it!

@Suki this was yesterday's Hot Open Face Turkey Sandwich. Today will be a cold turkey on sour dough (the whole story previously posted.)

I just pressed some Jack's Dream...I'm getting good come back off it....I don't have your fancy dap smoke machines.....I just put some weed in my chillium and put the dab on the end and toke up.....
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