Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Turkey bacon, ground turkey... big turkey trying to get more than 2 days of action a year lmao. Mom made turkey soup once with ground turkey and now "its turkey soup" is the term coined for when a meal is generally meh lol.
:what?: Told the wife that we need to buy a turkey roast it and cut her all up for cold sandwiches. That’s my favorite part of Thanksgiving the leftovers.
Live Stoner do it for Free............:pighug:......who needs Therapy.....?..........:pass:.....

mmm, was gonna mention that meself, buuuut -> me name ain't FreudForever, so....:coffee: ppp
panels jonesing for Sola's photon embrace, the long wait begins.....
Good Morfnoevight All you happy LS stoners.

Wife wants a Roomba for Xmas......been checking em out.....anyone got one they can share their experience?
We have had 3. We love them when they work. They wear out pretty fast 2 years tops. Handled the pet hair very well. We did not have a self-empty type. Your wife will love you for it!

@Suki this was yesterday's Hot Open Face Turkey Sandwich. Today will be a cold turkey on sour dough (the whole story previously posted.)

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