I love growing canna. This plant is just amazing.....most of the time. LOL!
I had Kong under the MarsSP3000 for the first part of her life. She did great there. I had Ogre Berry in the CALIFORNIA LIGHTWORKS SOLARFLARE 160w in my 2.3x2.3 tent. She was just too damn squatty! I haven't grown OB before, so she gets the best.
I hated putting Kong in there. Good smoke! I really didn't expect much from her because of the light. The footprint is tiny, but it's TIGHT margin for the hot par figures to jump up
I had to adjust the light a couple of times a day in the heat of her stretch.
I've only topped her once and bent two of the first main branches. That's it. One topdressing at first sign of flower. Humic acid tap water with BAS Yah-Whey ferment.
I didn't think the bud was going to amount to much in the bulking department. She's defiantly a different girl than the first one I grew. She's more dainty. Maybe more efficient may be a better description. No wasted energy. I haven't taken
any leaves. She has spread out to try and gather as much light as she can, but not to waste by over doing it. She is defiantly sucking up all of the photons that light is making.
It wasn't anything I did. The plant adapted. She's a steady feeder and drinks about a gallon a day. Her roots are well into the nute mound, but not near as extensive as the other Jrs.
It seems I underestimated both the light and plant. Her buds are firming up very nicely. I'm pleasantly surprised. The funk and frost are coming along nicely also.
The pics don't show her deep green color......silly phone camera.
I sure like the
GOOD surprises with canna!
Enough with the ya ya ya!
Here am sum pikturs! Sry dey suk!