Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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So guys question here. It seems like my soil is developing some kind of algae in 2 of my pots. Theres a slight tinge of green, is this something I need to fix?View attachment 1537708View attachment 1537709
I forgot to put my conditions up here. My tent is hovering right around 69°F and the humidity is fluctuating between 55% and 65%. I did notice my exhaust was not moving a lot of air, probably only about half the tents volume/min. I bumped it up to 50% to help move some air and moisture out. It was only set at 1, dont remember turning it down but it should be moving about dbl the tents volume/min now.
No not that I know of. The soil was dry packed fox farm happy frog, but the store didnt have enough for all 4 pots so I mixed the rest of my ocean forest from my last grow in there, which was still pretty moist, which surprised me alot, cuz I bought the ready to use 2cf bag like 5 months ago and it was like I just bought it still, like saturated wet still.
I'm in coco, watering twice a day. The surface of the coco and the sides of the fabric pots are always green. The girls don't seem to care.

I agree with mara cachafa I've had my coco turn green when I added great white microbes.. I think it is from overwatering/medium being too wet over saturated and possible damping off like other have said BUT girls didn't seem to mind just try not to water anymore then need right now:d5::biggrin:
Thanks for the Mom flashback. I was a little stinker, 7 or 8, when first I went out deer hunting with Dad. This was one of the rare times Mom got to make the trip with us. This was when our deer lease was adjoining President LBJ's home property outside Johnson City, Texas.

It was good that Mom got to come along. She got to rest and chill. Dad and I didn't have to cook and clean up! Mom brought some books and read her ass off. She seldom had time when I was little to read, so she took full advantage of it.

I was Pop's shadow when I was little, with Mom working a regular job and on call as an OB nurse. She helped deliver a few hundred babies. Where Pop went, I was there, so I was already well acquainted with being quiet and keeping a lookout for game. Pop told me many years later, he really liked bringing me along hunting with him. A lot of the time, I spotted the game before he did.

Dad and I had finished the afternoon hunt and didn't see any deer. LBJ's helicopter, classic small Bell, had been flying around quite a bit for some damn reason. It's fully dark by the time we got back to the little hunting cabin. We could smell Mom's cooking for a painfully long time! It was pretty damn cold. The warmth of the cabin and the smell of Mom's cooking was quite the sensory overload. I can still remember it quite vividly!

As Dad and I start taking off our gear, Mom looks up from her book, "Did you catch any deer? Are you guys hungry?"
"Mom! You don't 'catch' deer! You shoot them and we are starving!" Mom gave me 'The Mom look' and Dad chuckled. So Mom's "Did you catch any deer?" became 'a thing'. Whether coming home from the trip or coming back to the cabin, this was what she greeted us with.

Thanks for bringing up fond memories!
I'd probably read a whole book of little Bill stories, just saying lol
:crying: I Just clipped the building were supposed to be Looking at the Sky............:pighug:
You know I just can't help but rib poor mark :rofl: its what he gets for being assigned big brother status in my brain. I've never gotten to be anyone's annoying little sister before :rofl::rofl:
You Know if you give @Suki a brain worm it ain't going until she has slept and reset....... :pighug:

BTW...meant to say....the green tomatoes looked Great.........:headbang:...mine have re-veged...but only up to Flower ATM..........
Sometimes they stick around far longer than that
I forgot to put my conditions up here. My tent is hovering right around 69°F and the humidity is fluctuating between 55% and 65%. I did notice my exhaust was not moving a lot of air, probably only about half the tents volume/min. I bumped it up to 50% to help move some air and moisture out. It was only set at 1, dont remember turning it down but it should be moving about dbl the tents volume/min now.
With temps low and humidity high you're most likely keeping your pots too soggy (imo). I like to shoot for 80*/60% (or 70*/50 but 80/60 is easier for me to hold)
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