Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Morning y’all :coffee2:

Chores done :greencheck: Now coffee and a Pax:smokeout:

passing one on to you guys.

I’m hitting on some nicely cured Strawberry Cheesecake from Seedsman. Wasn’t impressed at first, but that sweet cheese aroma and flavor really has started to develop nicely. Very sleepy weed, didn’t know that either. I will need a Sativa to be wake up a bit!
Morning y’all :coffee2:

Chores done :greencheck: Now coffee and a Pax:smokeout:

passing one on to you guys.

I’m hitting on some nicely cured Strawberry Cheesecake from Seedsman. Wasn’t impressed at first, but that sweet cheese aroma and flavor really has started to develop nicely. Very sleepy weed, didn’t know that either. I will need a Sativa to be wake up a bit!

Or just Enjoy the Sleep........... :dragon8:.....

I am a vape only guy, no smoking for many years of any kind.
What device do you guys out there use the most if you vape, and also what are your favorite strains for flavor??

Would love some feedback.:thanks:
I had no idea you have different seasons for different weapons. I do like a bit of deer, never caught one though. We dont really do it over here, but a few years back when I was in Africa I went hunting for Kudu, great big things - we paid for the hunt then processed the lot in to Biltong (have to say, it beats Jerky :crying: ) and gave it out at the entrance to a township.

I get wild Boar in the area of my treehouse and they wreck everything, so I am eyeing up a powerful crossbow, will probably have to pick it up in Spain and drive it over to Portugal as you get buy bigger and better there without a license.

Good luck if you go out!

Thanks for the Mom flashback. I was a little stinker, 7 or 8, when first I went out deer hunting with Dad. This was one of the rare times Mom got to make the trip with us. This was when our deer lease was adjoining President LBJ's home property outside Johnson City, Texas.

It was good that Mom got to come along. She got to rest and chill. Dad and I didn't have to cook and clean up! Mom brought some books and read her ass off. She seldom had time when I was little to read, so she took full advantage of it.

I was Pop's shadow when I was little, with Mom working a regular job and on call as an OB nurse. She helped deliver a few hundred babies. Where Pop went, I was there, so I was already well acquainted with being quiet and keeping a lookout for game. Pop told me many years later, he really liked bringing me along hunting with him. A lot of the time, I spotted the game before he did.

Dad and I had finished the afternoon hunt and didn't see any deer. LBJ's helicopter, classic small Bell, had been flying around quite a bit for some damn reason. It's fully dark by the time we got back to the little hunting cabin. We could smell Mom's cooking for a painfully long time! It was pretty damn cold. The warmth of the cabin and the smell of Mom's cooking was quite the sensory overload. I can still remember it quite vividly!

As Dad and I start taking off our gear, Mom looks up from her book, "Did you catch any deer? Are you guys hungry?"
"Mom! You don't 'catch' deer! You shoot them and we are starving!" Mom gave me 'The Mom look' and Dad chuckled. So Mom's "Did you catch any deer?" became 'a thing'. Whether coming home from the trip or coming back to the cabin, this was what she greeted us with.

Thanks for bringing up fond memories!

I am a vape only guy, no smoking for many years of any kind.
What device do you guys out there use the most if you vape, and also what are your favorite strains for flavor??

Would love some feedback.:thanks:
I have really enjoyed the Lookah Unicorn with the quartz banger cups. I have only tried 3 different varieties of cannabis that I have pressed, but so far Granddaddy Purple has been my favorite.
As Dad and I start taking off our gear, Mom looks up from her book, "Did you catch any deer? Are you guys hungry?"
"Mom! You don't 'catch' deer! You shoot them and we are starving!" Mom gave me 'The Mom look' and Dad chuckled. So Mom's "Did you catch any deer?" became 'a thing'. Whether coming home from the trip or coming back to the cabin, this was what she greeted us with.

Mother Hug sent for you @WildBill ..........:bighug::bighug::bighug:
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