Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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The Dr. said my liver is swollen that's part of the reason I'm having stomach pain. They drew more blood, called in some meds, and also gave me a list of stuff to eat. She, the Dr., said I need to eat all the greens I could, I should have asked her if smoking green:eyebrows: was as good as eating greens:LOLStoned:.
LOL, I'm joking buddy. I'm definitely not upset about it. I figure I'm here all the time, may as well go for it.

You May as well..........:pighug:...all the Cool Cats Hang in Cultivators Club......:pass:
The Dr. said my liver is swollen that's part of the reason I'm having stomach pain. They drew more blood, called in some meds, and also gave me a list of stuff to eat. She, the Dr., said I need to eat all the greens I could, I should have asked her if smoking green:eyebrows: was as good as eating greens:LOLStoned:.

Almost.....smoking green has similar effects but since you have done that all along it suggests you need a Bigger Dose.

I'm sure @WildBill recomends a green herbal tablet if you are not Good with greens/vegetables...if not Amazon it..coz I Know they have them.

Cannabis green and green veggies are Liver give it a Hand to get better........ :headbang:
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