Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Happy Friday!

I'm thinking this might be my last orgypot update, i'm thinking of putting them in a 48hr dark cycle and chopping in 2-3 days

The older orgypot is ripe and ready and fading more and more each day, some leafs are turning purple, the younger orgypot is just about there, good enough for me i'd say.

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Orgypot#2, 7 days younger
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bud shots from both plants
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Where's the science in that?
LOL, I'm joking buddy. I'm definitely not upset about it. I figure I'm here all the time, may as well go for it.

oh yeah me too you definitely won’t regret it… same for me I’m here anyways and everyone has helped a ton so I feel it’s the least I can do test some beans and give back to the community :headbang::vibe:
fuckin arizona wuss
:pass: :smoking:

Well 12F and more snow, looks like crocs weren't a great choice for getting the trash can today...guess I better get my snow shoveling shoes on again :crying:
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