Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Zippidity doo dah zippidity day wonderful feeling coming your way :joy:
Zip of Northern Lights Green Hornet.JPG
hmmm...I wonder if this is why my MC/bloom booster has been delayed:
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I figured the USPS was just lazy. Apparently, they're just psychic...
Nah, not lazy. An underfunded public service that is trying its best to survive while others attempt to turn it into a purely capitalistic industry. The fact that they were forced by congress to fund their pensions 70 years in advance definitely doesn't help with their funding issues either.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

Got all of the party decorations outside cleaned up and every thing ready for the atmospheric river event late today and tomorrow.

Looks like the US has some crap coming.... :pass:

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We need the water but not all at once. Early predictions were for 3+ inches of rain but they are down to a more manageable 2" now We shall see.
Good Morfnoevight All! EO.

Got all of the party decorations outside cleaned up and every thing ready for the atmospheric river event late today and tomorrow.

We need the water but not all at once. Early predictions were for 3+ inches of rain but they are down to a more manageable 2" now We shall see.
This is the extent of my Halloween decorations!
About to give the big Durban Poison x Zamadelica the chop. She’s buckling under her own weight…..even the supports I gave her have begun to fail lol…….sampling some Star Fruit before I get started. Best thing about the vaporizer is the non cured samples you can puff on….fresh tastyness
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