Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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By spoonful I mean a big ass kitchen spoon too! Not a lil teaspoon measuring spoon! Damn hot chocolate looked like the Valdez spill on the surface it was so damn oily! :yoinks::crying:
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Think @Suki813 has talked me into making another cuppa dat shizznit right quick! :biggrin: :coffee2:
You sure as hell would be 'lifted' if you put a teaspoon of the last batch of monster green I made.
I busted the little jar, well, I let the cat break the jar I was going to the infused olive oil I madw, so I just added it to my coconut oil jar. It sure as hell works for me!
I'll take a pic of my next dose and I'll make it a bit heavy.
A Little dab will do ya! :eyebrows:
I'm totally jealous. Closest cookies around here that I know of other then bakeries is Manhattan, and that's like a couple hour drive. Usually have to make my own or grocery. Actually, according to Google there's a crumbl 90mins away so I might have to find a reason to get down towards Philly asap
Philly..........WHAT in the hell would be a good reason to go to Philly?

CHEESE STEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!:woohoo::woohoo:

Good Morfnoevight All! wow it took forever to get caught up :oops1:

It looks like a P-K shortage. The real wild card is your water. If it is low in Calcium what makes up that 225 PPM? We need to know.

I’ll PM you my water report for the area if that’s ok? I don’t really want to publicise my location just in case :smoking:
Morning kittens, 50f on the front porch and the coffee is good this morning, just plain Folgers, no embellishments ( I know, plain boring Folgers but Grandpa started me on it and it's been my favorite). Think this is my favorite time of the day. Good cup, time to think on what needs doing, planning it out. Having a bad spot of luck on germination lately. Seems the last Anvil I dropped has halted on me after putting it in the pot. Had a 3/4 inch root in 2 days in the water cup, barely under soil when I put it in, lights on temps 75 to 84, lights off temps no lower than 65. Fresh bag of HF and the other 3 are doing fine in it. Guess rather than drop another and have one more than a month the behind others I'm going to remove a pot and go with 3 this round so I can hopefully keep a somewhat even canopy. Today's chore list, remove pot, put 5 gal. PH'd water in res, turn it on, set up cloner, snip the BS and get it in the cloner...... The APK freebies are doing ok, up about 2 inches, fingers crossed on females. Will move them into main tent in a week or so to free up the lil one for starting next round (hopefully 4). Last present bought yesterday, stocking stuff starting to come in, getting list of peeps together for those. Anvil chopped last night and in drying box, little sparse but expected that since it was a 1 gal pot and I kind of neglected her. Won't have a good cure but it'll be fine for stocking freebies. Baggie stickers came yesterday from vistaprint, must say I'm impressed, nice prints and only took a 4 days to get here. Might have to do that for all my gear. Wow...went kinda long this time didn't it.
You sure as hell would be 'lifted' if you put a teaspoon of the last batch of monster green I made.
I busted the little jar, well, I let the cat break the jar I was going to the infused olive oil I madw, so I just added it to my coconut oil jar. It sure as hell works for me!
I'll take a pic of my next dose and I'll make it a bit heavy.
A Little dab will do ya! :eyebrows:
sorry had 2
Anyone, I want to get high but the only weed I have is the part I have on my growing plants, ideas?
If you have a plant close clip a bud or branch and set next to a heat run trim close then chop up like your going to roll one and let it dry The microwave never works for me.
sorry had 2

Well, I had a badass flat top for a good while and used Butch for my front hairline. After that phase, I did use a little dab of Brylcreem. Used Mom's VO5 sometimes when I ran out. :biggrin:
We laugh at hair care products from that era, but think what 'they' would think about today's PLETHORA of hair products. I think most would be quite amused!:smoking:
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