Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Good afternoon @St. Tom :bighug:
We have manage 6 pages so far of the new LS.
That's over 0.5% towards our target in a morning!
This time we will get to 1000 pages.
Stoner minions ho!

@arty zan ...pssssttt....... :pass: ...rumour in the staff room is that you and @hairyman being Quiet caused the fail...coz you two are the Biggest Gossi..p..s.....goss..i..p.......................Talkers.........:blahblah:

@arty zan ...pssssttt....... :pass: ...rumour in the staff room is that you and @hairyman being Quiet caused the fail...coz you two are the Biggest Gossi..p..s.....goss..i..p.......................Talkers.........:blahblah:

Ah putting the eggs in one basket!
Rooky mistake!
Toe up jacksies and get them other members talking.
Even the most reliable gossipers <<=== (spell checked) need a break now and again.
I have some ideas, I can shoot to you and Hobbsie but hold fire on that right now, I need to have a proper think.
Ah putting the eggs in one basket!
Rooky mistake!
Toe up jacksies and get them other members talking.
Even the most reliable gossipers <<=== (spell checked) need a break now and again.
I have some ideas, I can shoot to you and Hobbsie but hold fire on that right now, I need to have a proper think.

Only winding you up Bud...if I'd got back in last night I know we could have made it too.... :pighug:

What I was saying in the staff room is we actually Made the most Important Stat for me...1,000 views per day....:headbang:

When we Hit 1,000 views per day LS becomes self sustaining...and if one of the Big talkers drops back..others will step up into the void.

I had learning disabilities and was hyperactive as a kid and couldn't even have sugar. Learning disabilities in school I really only completed to 7th grade. So appreciate your patience. I'm not unintelligent just different.
Sounds like me!
I am highly intelligent with great scores on my IQ test done by a professional psychologist (I won't give my scores as it is private).
I have dyslexia (yes I use spell checker often or google the word).
These days they use ADHD etc back in my day it was called being "hyperactive".
I frequently edit out the mistakes I make!
We like people being different as long as it is nice different!
Patience, I got all day, we love to help each other here!
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