Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I know I asked yesterday and all i got were breeders that do not ship to the US. Any good black friday deals out there?

Were you looking for anyone/anything in particular? And did you want breeder direct or US seedbanks? Sorry if I missed it in the original post. I'm sure you've browsed the banks already but... North Atlantic Seed Company is based in Maine and they ship pretty quick if you're in the states. Nice selection, IMO. Dutch Passion, FastBuds, Twenty20, Mephisto, etc.

Does anyone have a good DWC PPM/EC range chart per week for Autoflowers?

Yes, @Mañ'O'Green has a whole chart week by week with ppm and additions broken down really nicely. It is based on using MegaCrop 2part nutrients. I'll see if I can find his thread for you.
:bighug: Have a Hug @WildBill.....:pass:....and an Extra coffee is have Earned one.

Did all the meat get eaten....or....did you save me a platefull.....?..............:eyebrows:
I'm good Auntie! My sillyass cousin was talking about his Dad and fishing at the lake yesterday. It was just on my mind.

I still have some good eats!
That's something I never worried about. High metabolism kept me at 185 to 195 all my life. Even when trying to get over 200 it never happened.

Afternoon ... :pass: ..sharing one...

High metabolism do I Catch that..................?

:baked:At first glance it looked like a seed in my blueberry auto bud. No just a big drop of resin :mrgreen:
Resinous Blueberry auto.JPG
I'm good Auntie! My sillyass cousin was talking about his Dad and fishing at the lake yesterday. It was just on my mind.

I still have some good eats!

I'll fetch me own plate............:headbang:.....

PS..Me and @blue Love your reminisences.....:pass:..... he slowz down 12mph after the blunt :crying: :coffee: ppp
No radar required, just look for the lineup of cars behind the slowpoke. Not to mention red eyes once the perp is stopped.

Have any Canucks here been ticketed yet? The legal rules are pretty strong, but I have no idea how much they are being enforced. I expect I would be considered illegal even the morning after a sleepy time toke, but have never been tested. Presence of detectable THC is a pretty low bar. :shrug:
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