Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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If you Find any @Modernviking ....I'm awarding plus rep for any brought into LS..with any discount codes needed..... :headbang:
NASB is doing double freebies and has a bunch of breeder specific deals. I've been hunting hard for regular auto beans and the options seem to be pretty limited across the board.
Going to a friend's house for Thanksgiving and some of this pork loin is going with me.
Only an hour into cooking at just under 250*F. Smoking wood is pecan and mesquite.

This is the least I've ever smoked at one time ever in my life. It's only 14lbs.
Normally I smoke two full loins, at least two pork butts and and 4 racks of full ribs..........I don't do babybacks or other cuts.
I think I'll run to town and get a couple chickens
Last edited: tf is it Wednesday already?!?
One second at a time but still faster the older I get, which sucks. The less you have left, the faster it disappears. :biggrin:

Very nice vape for #1, I expect that you will like it a lot. Arizer makes good gear, very high quality, and seriously nice vapor. Calling them conduction vapes is a disservice, they are a hybrid, and depending on how you load them, they can operate pretty much exclusively by convection. The flavor is excellent.

Enjoy the new toy. :pighug:
Ahhhhh. I just eat it when I clean it out.:eyebrows::biggrin:
Mine goes directly into the garbage. I don't even manage to use the good stuff myself, so I am not going to fuss with ABV stuff. :biggrin:
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