Nope, about ~3-4mm diameter, maybe ~25mm long, tapering to a fine point, and dark glossy green. The ones labelled as Thai peppers in our grocery stores are nothing like them. I have never seen them or anything close outside of Thailand. One blurb I ran into online said that there are something in excess of 70 strains of so called Thai peppers in Thailand.
I'm pretty sure that the ones I ran into virtually everywhere in Thailand are Prik Kee Nu peppers. I'm pretty sure that these are the ones, rated according to one online blurb as being up to 250,000 scoville units (Jalapenos being up to 8000):
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As I recall, I never saw them served as ripe, only as dark green, even earlier than the green ones in the photo. I have no idea on how the heat varies with maturity in these little monsters, but I can tell you that the dark green ones are killer.