You know what the funny thing is, I've done as much as you have to stop the spread of covid. I have not caught nor passed the virus.Good Morfnoevight All you devout stoners!
Did somebody forget how to get baked?
View attachment 1387681
This is no way to start my Sunday. Push the little button on the side and gently inhale for 5 seconds, hold a moment and exhale............
View attachment 1387682
I am now baked. This concludes the lesson.
Yes, it won't hurt to add more good guys.
@WildBill I see your point of view on the vaccine and actions. I stand with you on the side of freedom. The problem is this fucking virus is more powerful than any government. It just spreads through the world population like mycelium through horse manure. I love science and the vaccine is the cutting edge of science. I understand that it is not for everyone. The altruistic reason I got vaccinated was to stop the spread of the disease. That is minor to the selfish reason of protecting my life if I catch Covid. My odds of surviving are much improved from having the vaccine. I don't care if my balls do fall off, they been working on it for years![]()
Was this luck, very good immune system or taking lots of precaution when in public? Duh.........all three. It was and is a concerted effort to maintain.
if I were in the workforce every day, I'm pretty sure I would have got the shot when it came out last year. But that would have been based on what 'they' were saying at the time. So much of that was just plain BS from just about every aspect you can name and what's worse, they've continued to change and not actually follow the science.
Antnee Fauci should have been out on his ass when Trump was still Prez for his constant flip-flopping. He's still doing it and he's not following the science. And like Trump, Sleep Grandpa Biden are tolerating Fauci's sillyass fip flopping and Not following the science.
This one simple thing that should remove his power hungry little big man syndrome ass is the fact that he just plain ignores and lies about natural immunity from having Covid. There are numerous studies and god damn common sense that says naturally occurring immunity from having covid is better than the man made shot.
If you add up all the people in the US that are inoculated and those that have natural immunity from having covid, we are at herd immunity and have been there for a little while. You just have to ask, who in the hell are we 'protecting' with a damn MANDATED inoculation??? All of the people that NEED to be immunized because of health problems should have been shot a long time ago. Why are they trying to mandate children get inoculated? The risk to children without health issues is ridiculously below a tenth of one percent. No long-term studies have been done on how this could have an effect on the children's reproductive future. Why in the hell would you put that at risk for a group might gain an infinitesimally small amount of protection???
I would NOT have an issue with the Govt if they just WOULD ACTUALLY follow the science instead SAYING they are following the science!!!!!!!!!
Heads should roll if it is found out that the US did actually fund research "Gain of Function" at the lab, bar Fauci's bullshit playing dodgeball with the definition.