Ummmmmmmm............She's not
THAT old of a girlfriend. It was only 5 yrs ago.
And she was 24 yrs old then.

I wuz not the pursuer, I wuz da pursueeee. I swears! I did resist her 'womanly ways' for quite a long time.............about 30min!
No, really, it was like almost three months. She was pretty damn cool and ummm....errrrr.......ahhhhhh............
Ginger. Kryptonite!

I succumbed to her 'womanly ways' while under the influence of homegrown canna by her big brother. I was
almost that high about a month ago when my first sample of fresh cannabutter in my coffee was quite a few folds larger in strength than I had anticipated and vaped on top of that 30 min into the coffee. I had never even been close to being that high in my life. I wish I could get that cut!!!!!!!!
Any way, she got really clingy and jealous. She did have a rough upbringing, biggest reason for resisting for so long, and she had a bad male/father role model. I had known her for over a year before she made her first move. I had always tried to treat her as a friend and as I learned more about her, I blended a little 'Uncle'........the good kind, not the creepy

.........along with the friend.
After her brother's herb, the Uncle mindset had to go.

I did set down with her when I could actually carry on a cohesive conversation the next afternoon. I did lay it out to her that 'this' can't be serious in any way or form. There was lot's of 'splaining going on............definitely no good male role models........ and I
thought I did a pretty good job 'splainin'.

Looking back, my frustration then, is funny as hell to me now.
I cared about her a lot for many reasons..............and there's the Kryptonite!

When I finally realized she didn't understand or accept my 'splainin', I had to do my best to make it easy as possible for her to transition. It was rough as hell on me, but I did feel a bit guilty. It didn't help when my son asked for a pic of her. I sent it and his reply was spmething on the oder of, "WOOOOOOHOOO! Is that gonna be my new Mommy??? If I get sick, can she give me a sponge bath?" I was in front of her when he sent me that. LOL! It was tough hiding why was tearing oup from laughing so hard.............. but I
dood it.:smoking:
It was a little rough, but she did adjust very well and a couple of years ago she sent a letter in the mail. Who gets personal mail and it's not Christmas or a birthday these days. It was a very nice and long letter that basically she gets it. She understands what I was trying to do. and she thanked me for it She said that she knew I cared for her more than I let on by the way I let her down and how much crap I put up with during the transition.
And then there's the Kryptonite!!!

Jeeeez, this place! I haven't though about some of that stuff in a while....since the letter! I guess it
can be good to reflect on thing. At least I can say with this relationship, she left a better person. And in a way I am too, but it's sure as hell not because of anything she did!

It was positive because it was a reaffirmation that if I put my mind to it and put in a MAX effort, I can get it done. It's just finding that motivation.

Too be honest, in this particular case, one of the BIGGEST motivations was that I didn't want my grandkids to have an Uncle or Aunt that was around 11yrs younger at the time.

Anyway! I'm high as hell and my girls are reacting well to their compost tea and SST. The root damaged Earthbox girl is getting her feet back under herself and hopefully be doing the Earthbox rage pretty soon. Damn shame too. t was already pretty extensive at the time.
And I'm "Mervin Lady"ing my mailbox for the SEEDSTOCKERS bean drop!