I have been using a Cpap for 20 years. I would have been dead a long time ago without it. It is not just sleep you lose. When you stop breathing your heart rate slows and pumps blood to the most important organs first. Then as the co² level increases in the blood you wake up just enough to breath. Your heart then beats very hard and rapidly to get blood out to the parts that were being deprived. This will eventually cause a heart attack and death.My sleep clock is still screed up. I can get to sleep fairly easy. I just can't STAY asleep! I think I may need a sleep apnea study.
I DON'T want one of those god damn masks to wear when sleeping!
......I Look forward to it...........even when the taste come back...the absolute Enjoyment didn't...
I poured the drink out of Habit.......then just sat keep looking at it...and Thinking Naw.....
I'm trying to get my husband to go in for a sleep study. He scares me at night when he falls asleep before I do cause I can literally hear what sounds like his breath getting caught and then he starts breathing again a few seconds later. Mostly only when he sleeps on his back, when I hear it I wake him up and make him roll over.Good morfnoevight All. EO.
I have been using a Cpap for 20 years. I would have been dead a long time ago without it. It is not just sleep you lose. When you stop breathing your heart rate slows and pumps blood to the most important organs first. Then as the co² level increases in the blood you wake up just enough to breath. Your heart then beats very hard and rapidly to get blood out to the parts that were being deprived. This will eventually cause a heart attack and death.
I recently was dealing with chronic constipation. It actually has been going on for years. It just got so bad I needed to do something about it. Over several months of diagnostics and testing nothing was found wrong with the physiology of my body and the doctors were at a loss to diagnose the problem. During all of this conversation with doctors a fact that you produce enough saliva a day to make a stool without food led me to a thought. I used a nasal head gear that did not cover my mouth. In order for the pressure from the Cpap to remain in the airway you need to close your throat so air does not escape out your mouth. This effectively stops saliva from your mouth to be swallowed all night. I would wake with my mouth totally dry in the morning. I thought to myself could this be drying out my digestive track and contributing to the constipation. I bought a new head gear that covers my mouth and nose and I can swallow all night now and my mouth is not dry at all. Guess what, I am having bowel movements like I was 20 years old again. It has been 5 weeks and I only used Mira-lax 3 times in that period as opposed to every day before. I know this is anecdotal but I think this has solved my problem.
In any event if you stop breathing at night you need help.
It is no joke. Only a test will reveal the true extent of the problem. There are other solutions as well as the Cpap. I stopped breathing for as long as a minute up to 30 times an hour.I'm trying to get my husband to go in for a sleep study. He scares me at night when he falls asleep before I do cause I can literally hear what sounds like his breath getting caught and then he starts breathing again a few seconds later. Mostly only when he sleeps on his back, when I hear it I wake him up and make him roll over.