Cheers for the rep!

Thanks also for the nice comment!:smoking:
I've seen your plants you aint no slouch, they looked pretty boss to me!

You may remember, I also shared how I grow them short bushy and full of buds, here in LS at your request.
I think one of the biggest compliment I received was when Greenskell, asked me to show him my dwarfing method.

You may also remember that Greenskell used to grow super monster cannabis plants outside, until some ne'er do wells targeted his outdoor grow.
Indoors he only had a small space in which to grow, which is why he wantes to go from growing monsters to compact bud bombs!
Once he knew my method, he grew some absolutely beautiful dwarf bud bombs.
You mentioned FD also grows plants that look like mine, I wonder if we both grow the same way??Do you have a link?
I really ought to ask him!
Some one also mentioned
@Mañ'O'Green uses a dwarfing method, when I searched "dwarfing" in the search function, I pretty much only found links to posts, that I had posted!
If anyone has a link to one of his dwarfing threads/posts, I'd love to check them out and see how he does it!
It is a great way to grow especially when height is an issue!