Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Sanity was invented by crazy people who knew how to hid it!
We are all the same really but best ignore the labels people put on each other.
The time you really need to worry is when your searching the kitty litter box for snacks!
That's a good sign the the old noggin is really on the fritz!
Knowing you are different means you already understand that!
Understanding who and how you are is never a crazy thing.
Really crazy people have no idea they are crazy!
Being the same, thinking the same, doing the same and vilifying people for not being the same as you or your group, sounds like a cult to me!
I don't join such groups, in fact I run very fast in the opposite direction!
Cults are unhealthy and will break your connection to reality and will willingly make you crazy for their own ends!
Mental health problems is a different thing and there is help out there if you need it!
Everyone has a mental health problem from time to time but it is no reason to call yourself or anyone else crazy!
I apologize for saying crazy
Here in the UK
I'm having a vape
Why not join me!

Weapon of choice

"Strawberry Amnesia"
Ok, Midwest Widow in my hot lil hands this morning and 5 min. later into their germination cups up on the mantle.View attachment 1373269View attachment 1373270
Got to remember to start the grow journal........mind has been kinda scattered the past few weeks trying to stay on top of everything.
Lol - I love the "Keep away from a warm 1:1 solution of H20 to H202" warning...
It helps if you supply a company name or a web address, often these things can be double checked!
Other members may have used them and may have a goor or bad review to share! has a comprehensive list of seed shops and whether the are legit or not!
There are bound to be a load of USA sed banks not on the list but they can be checked as well!
Ordered from Pacific Seed Bank a week ago, mixed online reveiws but they had what I wanted (supposedly Durbin poison and Red Congolese) so far so good, received email the MO was received yesterday, this morning got email it was being processed and shipping label was printed for my order.....only thing left is to get em and see if they are straight up sativa with a little Ruderalis bend to em.
Id like to run both of those!
Yup, loved the structure of the BlkStrp in the pics FD posted and did a lil research seeing it's genetics had Anvil a lil more research and found it descended from Mossy's Black Dragon and knew I had to try it to.
I apologize for saying crazy
No apologies need brother!
Not where I was coming from!
Just saying "go easy on yourself" I have been interacting with you over I don't know how many hours and you are "all good"!
We have been having a
I find it is best not to put yourself down because there will always be an idiot who do that for you!
Then you need the wherewith all to give them the one finger salute and say judge yourself before you judge me!
The world is full of idiots, I find it best not to argue with them, as they will just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience!
You have learned how to post videos etc, you have made valid comments and you have joined in with the fun in LS!
You have been a great participant in LS, so give yourself a slap on the back and just take everything one step at a time, after all that is the same way you climb a mountain.
Good to have you here pal!
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