Fyi….. keep an eye on that lady throughout flower to make sure she doesn’t hermie. We see it sometimes with that strain…. She’ll want to throw a few nanners sometimes. It’s great weed, and worth growing…. Just keep an eye…. :pass:

Damn, I had a Bruce Banner hermie on me and I was wondering what I did wrong. I was embarrassed to pass it out to friends.


ooo, a cemetary with actual paved roadz :yoinks: ain't u fancy:face:ppp

You have to hit the ceiling before you know your limits.

a ceiling that has one big word painted on it -> R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S :coffee: ppp

Can anyone guess whose picture is under the lions's head? @420Forever?

Gene Simmonz for the win! :headbang: :eyebrows: ok, where tf is my cookie now jack-?! :shooty: ppp