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I let my earlier grows got too dry. Now I stop burping when the jar gets down to 67-68% RH and quality has been much better. No mold problems.

I'm in the county hospital ER right now waiting for a rabies shot. I got bit by a raccoon yesterday evening while taking kids on a nature trail in Stiglmeier Park in Cheektowaga, NY.
Damn those crafty bastards . Hope it goes well bud.:bighug:
Im definitely an over drier sometimes cuz I run out of gas or start not feeling good, chopping it n then not having the strength for trimming n bagging , but also its cuz my aunt can't keep the temperature in the house the same for 5 minutes. She can't help it with the medicines shes on but I gotta do quite the dance of opening and closing the vents and windows on n off with the humidifier if i want to keep any kind of environment control. Like it's 70° sometimes the heat is on or sometimes the A/C.
I dont pay too much attention to temp and humidity. I just looked and temps in the tent are in the 90's and 45%rh.
:biggrin:. Yeah.....:d5:....if you are having a run of bad luck we say have you killed a spuggy/sparrow......?.....:pighug:

I hope it is okay... I've heard the anti-rabies shots are painful ...:pass:
Thanks for the English lesson. My dad's people came from South England to the colonies (now USA) a few hundred years ago, but somehow they didn't bring a lot of the British idioms and slang.

They gave me 4 rabies shots today and I have to come back 3 times for more. They said it's no worse than a flu shot.
Evening @Lil Dab :bighug: ...hows your holiday going.....? looks great.......:headbang:..big skies and fresh air......

Evening mossy yeah going alright weather could be better been kinda windy everyday which makes boating/fishing difficult. Been off and on rain everyday until today finally had a dry one but it’s better then working so I’m not going to complain :toke::pass::lildab:
Thanks for the English lesson. My dad's people came from South England to the colonies (now USA) a few hundred years ago, but somehow they didn't bring a lot of the British idioms and slang.

They gave me 4 rabies shots today and I have to come back 3 times for more. They said it's no worse than a flu shot.
Between traffic and my appointments, its been 3 hours stuck with my aunt.... without weed :yoinks: .
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