Yes! Florida was really nice, from what I saw. Crazy in the evenings and family focused during the day. I could imagine retiring there for sure
Must of stayed in the cities. Out in the woods we crazy all the time.
Morning Kittens. :coffee2:..........................................................................................................and Frank :pass:
damn half feral cats had a hell of a row on my front porch last night. Almost all my lil plants knocked and on the deck from the table, cat shit all over the place, fur bits all over. A regular kitty armageddon. Just took another 2 aleeve to get ahead of the back pain thats starting from clearing off everything so I can hose it down.
Morning Bill…. :pass: Sounds like life’s not all fun and games when you’re running an involuntary, impromptu cat house :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: