Exploding joints will keep your heart rate up during bouts of extreme couchlock :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:
Mom wanted to know why there were burn holes in my shirts and jeans...
"Dropped the incense Mom!"

Turns out she wasn't that naive and was toking with her philosophy professor.....
Afternoon folks.Trying my hand at cob bud. One oz. each and ready for the sweat stageHope everyone is doing well. :headbang:
IMG_1646 2.jpeg
like i said before :rolleyes2:, after u upload an image uzing "attach filez", click on "insert", then click "full image" & it'll show up full size & we can see it a lot better....jus sayin ;) ppp
