Shit you guys are techy and sheed. Im here talking about turds and you about sciency thingies like dabbing. I have never tried it, ever. I know what it is, but it scares me a bit, do you get like -visit other dimensions-high? Is it different from getting normal joint-high or?
I find it pretty much the same high but a little more heady and doesn’t last as long. It’s fun to have something different in the arsenal so I’ll change it up but when I want to get really stoned I smoke a joint. I find joints and bong rips give a longer full body high. Everyone is different of course.
Kinda nice being home in the morning to chat with y’all. Unfortunately it’s costing me 15k because the roofers are starting today 😂
little more heady and doesn’t last as long
I can’t say I agree here…. The heady part is certainly strain dependent…. I get higher, for as long or longer than joints, with dabs. I do think the joint high is a “cloudier” high, if that makes sense…… but I’ve been higher off dabs than anything else.
