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Shit you guys are techy and sheed. Im here talking about turds and you about sciency thingies like dabbing. I have never tried it, ever. I know what it is, but it scares me a bit, do you get like -visit other dimensions-high? Is it different from getting normal joint-high or?
I find it pretty much the same high but a little more heady and doesn’t last as long. It’s fun to have something different in the arsenal so I’ll change it up but when I want to get really stoned I smoke a joint. I find joints and bong rips give a longer full body high. Everyone is different of course.
little more heady and doesn’t last as long
I can’t say I agree here…. The heady part is certainly strain dependent…. I get higher, for as long or longer than joints, with dabs. I do think the joint high is a “cloudier” high, if that makes sense…… but I’ve been higher off dabs than anything else.

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