I'll bite. Whatcha got scientist?
I not a scientist I'm a obsessed lunatic that has wasted his life digging circles in atomic rabbit hole. I got most of my knowledge from 2 books. The standard text book of electricity and NY junior year biology text book. Instead of taking notes I drew pictures with information that I needed to know.
I not a scientist I'm a obsessed lunatic that has wasted his life digging circles in atomic rabbit hole. I got most of my knowledge from 2 books. The standard text book of electricity and NY junior year biology text book. Instead of taking notes I drew pictures with information that I needed to know.

I always thought the clocks that ran on change in atmospheric pressure should be scaled up to produce electricity somehow. Ever seen these things?

I not a scientist I'm a obsessed lunatic that has wasted his life digging circles in atomic rabbit hole. I got most of my knowledge from 2 books. The standard text book of electricity and NY junior year biology text book. Instead of taking notes I drew pictures with information that I needed to know.
There's some others around here playing with electricity-type stuff. There's more around but this is what I found quick
I always thought the clocks that ran on change in atmospheric pressure should be scaled up to produce electricity somehow. Ever seen these things?

G.... I thought the Exact. Same. Thing :jointman: