damn, had to restart my gateway. Was barely getting 2 on download speed.

Morning @Bill.de.Cat :bighug: ... I'm surprised I haven't had net problems yet... normally tourist season...plus school holidays crash mine.

Good to See you out and about doing House Calls yesterday..:pighug:...you must be feeling a bit better...

And I have Missed you passing out your advice.....:bighug:
Morning @Bill.de.Cat :bighug: ... I'm surprised I haven't had net problems yet... normally tourist season...plus school holidays crash mine.

Good to See you out and about doing House Calls yesterday..:pighug:...you must be feeling a bit better...

And I have Missed you passing out your advice.....:bighug:
Morning to you as well young lady....feeling I can do some things but still pushing too much cause stuff needs doing. Wanted to get it all set up for starting the next couple days so when the pain starts in I just keep going to a good stopping point. Had a hell of a time with gnats in the new soil last round so needed to get that all cleaned, cooked etc.
As far as the clockworks go never really feel anything till a mainspring gets sprung.
So you got a beach walk planned for today?

No... shopping unfortunately....and it is 10.50am.......you be Lucky to get a parking space down the beach at this time of day........ :biggrin:

You need to be there 8.30-9am on full tourist/school holidays season to beat the crowds....:headbang:..

Morning to you as well young lady....feeling I can do some things but still pushing too much cause stuff needs doing. Wanted to get it all set up for starting the next couple days so when the pain starts in I just keep going to a good stopping point. Had a hell of a time with gnats in the new soil last round so needed to get that all cleaned, cooked etc.
As far as the clockworks go never really feel anything till a mainspring gets sprung.

More jobs than energy levels.....:pass:...I get that 100%....and if you push too much it overwhelms you so you get nothing done.

Small victories....:headbang:... Day at a time.....:bighug:... tightening your mainspring...:pighug:
@Good Morfnoevight All! EO onTB.

Already 109°F in the back yard, I am hunkering down today.

Our medical system is just plain SNAFU. Even though I am ecstatic about recent political events No one in this country is even proposing desperately needed changes to the system. They just don't care if we suffer and die. Well maybe they do want us to live so we can pay some more taxes?
Sorry Mum!

It does not matter which way you go as long as the water applied is slow enough to moisten the soil without causing channeling. You want the capillary action to spread the water throughout the pot.

I would get in on this as well if I could PM me with ideas to ##feedPinky. None of my friends ever leave my house hungry.

I would like to hear mossy
Which one you like for an avatar guys and gals?

View attachment 1698854
Super Skunkworx
View attachment 1698855
Purple and white pea flowers

Likes for skunk. Lovey eyes for pea flowers.
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Which one you like for an avatar guys and gals?

View attachment 1698854
Super Skunkworx
View attachment 1698855
Purple and white pea flowers

Likes for skunk. Lovey eyes for pea flowers.
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Superskunk works is a winner.
All I got to say is
