For some reason.. he's taken to washing his undies when he I'm too long in the tooth to ask questions I really don't want to know the answers to.....:smoker:

:crying: :crying: ppp
:shrug: :pop:
20240802_224256 - Copy.jpg
@Mossy thx 4 rep
Yes very odd.. Its a Hellraiser seedling via @Sawney_bean
I hope I can keep it alive.. :biggrin:

Heres a frosty rocbud auto zombie gushers budlett
smells crazy!View attachment 1697902

That looks delicious.......... :headbang: ...

I haven't seen that on hellraiser before mate. I have seen 3 leaf ones on strains but not 4.
I would put a loto ticket on .lol

Morning @Sawney_bean either....and you can imagine how many anomalies we have seen in 13 years.

I hope it grows we can See...:watering:.. #FingersCrossed
That looks delicious.......... :headbang: ...

Morning @Sawney_bean either....and you can imagine how many anomalies we have seen in 13 years.

I hope it grows we can See...:watering:.. #FingersCrossed
Thanks mossy .
My guess is it will grow out normal .
Interesting to see for sure .

Happy Saturday 😊