Good shit auto day 18.
Pssshhh….. you think that now….until you come to my house and lose the ability to walk :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab:

I wouldn’t smoke anything else than what I grown by myself and the plants have to look wonderful as it affects the high itself. So an amazing grower should get the highest salary in the world.
Now let’s do this. Any seed-company in the world. Let’s create some truly BIG superautos! Let me in 🚀🚀🚀
There once was a fella called Stitch,
Who owned a SuperAuto so rich.
With a turbo so keen,
And a sleek, shiny sheen,
He zoomed past with many a hitch

Although we dont talk about that ^_^

Hiya Folks :gary:
Enjoy the peace.....:hookah:

Me whacked with vertigo doesn't want to go......:nono:

Have you tried the ridiculous excersizes that help but make you feel like death warmed up??

Helped the Mrs out with hers when she got vertigo - it's like self abuse, but sped up the back to noramility thing after a few days.
Who knew we had crystals in our ears!! :shrug: