That’s pretty much what I said when the boss told what all had to get done before my week off in two weeks :deadhorse:

:doc3:@Mara Cachafa .... :bighug: ... Getting your strength back any........?

@Buzzard ...:bighug:... how are the pain levels on the knee.....?.....

I'm doing the sick notes.........:pighug:
Good Morning @Mossy .......pain levels are all over the place but knee brace helps, and I use a cane if necessary. Got referred to a new orthopedic surgeon in the big city so waiting patiently. Unfortunately, changing surgeons puts me back to the end of the wait list so no idea how long a wait to expect. I have a huge supply of bud, hash, and oil so I will survive. Thanks for the check in................ :pass: :pighug:
Morning y'all! Frank, Lil Dab, Goo, JP1, Mossy, Buzzard, Cody, & anyone else I missed.


Anyone know what happened to all those thc coffee companies? I was trying to get my hands on some of the K-cup style pods but looks like it's all gone.
Good morning amigro :d5: :pass:

I infuse butter with weed, and add that to my coffee….works like a charm :coffee: