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Good morning all! No work today… or yesterday. Construction boss is in Tenn helping his daughter deal with the death of her mom (his ex) which was unexpected. She fell in her driveway and smacked her head… gone just like that!

I have never been one to take the newspaper in to the privvy!
I guess these days it is more a place to look at your phone!
I prefer to poop and go, rather than sitting for hours, in the miasmic fug of my own doings!
However this leather clad pooping throne, could be a game changer!
Sit back , relax and just let go all the stresses of of life and if needs be, have a poop if you have to!
Gawd....:photog:... I've just been AI'd....

The only photo editing I do is crop and automatic enhance...that is it...Zippo...

So... just after I edited a photo this morning...a thing popped up saying did I want AI enhanced......?.........:shrug:.... hmmmmm....not particularly...but I'll give it a go...

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So...all I tried to get out was the Me shadow...see it between the 2 tubs...

This was the result........:yoinks:...

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I can now photo things I don't camera can Lie..........:shrug:...

Me cucumber on the left has strange lower leaves...looks like compo bricks on the soil surface....and I don't know what the other cucumber has turned into...
But like all AI it will get better as it is used...... gonna bugger grow comps up if you cannot tell if photos are real...or AI........:headbang:
The matrix is coming to get you!

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