:pass: Haven't mowed the grass in over a month! No measurable rainfall in a month!

On a positive got things rollin for the next round. Doin some autos for the summer.

Dark Owl-Marathon OG
Night Owl- Strawberry Milk and Qookies
Americium Dream
something else night owl that I can't remember :baked:
Mephisto' Wedding Cake

Tried sprouting some sour stomper, but none of three seeds popped. All other were soaked 18 hours, put in root riots, and were up before day two. Sux!!!
Nice! You putting those girls in the ground?
I got some unsweetened iced tea! Had to be a real ornery bastard to get it, but success is success. Hope I am home tomorrow. I am gonna fall asleep now until the vampire comes by for another blood sample....
Lol i know ! Wheres it all go ... Every 2 hours for me a day at one point . Not anymore thankfully