How many Spanish peeps are there at those events vs English peeps? Being on the Costa with all your English cousins, seems like it could be 50/50?

the english are only there for the purpose of sayin -> "it'z not even my fucking goat!" :yeah: ppp
@Mossy, not gonna bust @JP1's chops for pulling for Spain? :rofl:

No...:footy:,... footie is footie......

I'm gonna bust his chops about the least we wouldn't dip a cheese toastie in tomato soup......

How many Spanish peeps are there at those events vs English peeps? Being on the Costa with all your English cousins, seems like it could be 50/50?

Probably a good mix of all Europeans.,. football makes hooligans of all of them,....:d5:
Game is in Germany, so pretty easy for all of them to get there :footy:

Not according to the UK newspapers.
They were talking some airlines charging £1300 for a one way flight.......or flying into Turkey...then getting connecting flights to Germany from there...or a 10 hour drive.......:headbang: