oops..forgot this tab was opem...sorry..the garden gnomes were more interesting for a few.
Welcome to Floeida Bitches,
ordered me some swag this evening for the amendment 3 rallys...leaf sunglasses and a few t shirts.
If i wanna attend a legalization rally in texas i am gonna need to hire someone to roll my coffin in sometime around the year 2,351! :shrug::crying:
You know @PeaceLove&Buds
The other day you commented that we have to dab all day to stay high, or whatever….

I’d say that’s incorrect….

We GET to dab all day….it’s a real privilege. And we are high, because of it….. we could be high on less dabs, but then they wouldn’t be as fresh, later on. Plus I gotta keep up with my growing habit…..

But that’s just like, my opinion, man…:haha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lildab:
Wasn’t dissing the dabs, just a personal observation on the duration of the high. This doesn’t mean I’m not capable of sitting in front of a tv and doing bong rips continuously for 10 hours! ESPECIALLY when a new harvest arrives, it just tastes so damn good that I can’t stop!