Got my light working! :joy: Have to clean out the closet and im ready to plant! Im still missing a bunch of seeds but i found a lot too , got a good batch to choose from. Prolly gonna try for 2 plants, not sure cuz it's really hard to get water up the stairs so gotta keep it small for now
Multi pot some…. Slightly bigger pot, two strains (or multiple of one)… like beds kinda. Won’t really require too much more water…
@Mossy @Mañ'O'Green thank you for the rep.

Got my light working! :joy: Have to clean out the closet and im ready to plant! Im still missing a bunch of seeds but i found a lot too , got a good batch to choose from. Prolly gonna try for 2 plants, not sure cuz it's really hard to get water up the stairs so gotta keep it small for now
You must have enough PEX laying around to put a spigot up there so you don't have to carry water up the stairs?
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Got the lawn mowed. I need to pick-up the rosin I pressed yesterday and make chocolate bars.

Last nights dinner:
Marinated in pickle brine and garlic then dried and rubbed with basic BBQ Rub and grilled chicken. This came out so moist and tender. I need to pierce the chicken skin so it can get crispier. It was very good.

IMG_20240929_174430775 (1).jpgIMG_20240929_175428068.jpg

Breakfast this morning was eggs poached in Chili Verde over hash brown patties, nectarine and a Long Black Espresso.


Morning Kittens. :coffee2: Odd night,went right to sleep just before10pm. woke up with the sweats about 1:40 so got up grabbed a towel and dried myself off, layed a couple on the damp sheets and went back to sleep. mostly back in dreamland by 1:55.Then my mind woke up, very afraid of something and fully into the flight mode......but I couldn't move at all. Arms and legs rigid from me straining to move, my body deciding it wasn't going to. When it finally starting releasing I figure about 4 minutes had gone by. The god awful noise I was making trying to yell was pretty freaky was well..... Fun with RLS
So I was pretty freaked out and decided to just get up and start the coffee.
OMG that is horrifying. I had a dream once that someone was in the house, it was so real I woke up and could not move or scream -frozen like you say. It did not last long but seemed forever. It took me days to shake that feeling of helplessness.


Does this mean Shrooms have to come with Penis slash warnings! AI already learning how to kill humans?
Sounds like a bad trip to me. Or he thought he saw a reptile. OUCH !!!
It was a Trouser Snake now it is a red wiggler.
Got my light working! :joy: Have to clean out the closet and im ready to plant! Im still missing a bunch of seeds but i found a lot too , got a good batch to choose from. Prolly gonna try for 2 plants, not sure cuz it's really hard to get water up the stairs so gotta keep it small for now
You think a plumber could run a 1/4 line up there somehow?