I once saw a toothless guy eating bacon (not the crispy stuff)…. Kinda reminded me of a bulldog playing tug of war.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Reminds me of a Somali Mai-Mai patriarch I installed a couple of furnaces for, and some other jobs. He has 3 wives in 2 houses, and 29 kids in Buffalo, not counting wives and kids he left in Africa. Can't count the grand-kids and great-grand-kids. Anyway, I did some work for him on Eid (Muslim feast day at the end of Ramadan) and he invited me to stay for dinner. We sat on opposite sides of a large tray on an up-ended bucket, piled high with spaghetti, with various goat ribs and leg bones, and strips of mystery meat sticking out of the pile here and there. No silverware in sight. There's a trick to eating spaghetti with no fork, and he was adept at it. I was not, and wound up with spaghetti down my shirt, hanging out of my shirt pocket, and elsewhere. But good! His technique for eating the 1/2 pound chunks of meat is what amazed me the most. He'd bite one end, and with a quick upward swipe of a sharp 12" kitchen knife slice off the part in his mouth, narrowly missing his lips and nose each time. Women and kids were crouching in the shadows at a respectable distance, waiting for us men to finish so they could get a turn at the trough.