I need a girlfriend. My ex will soon start bringing over her ugly ass amigas who look like winged lizards and other extinct creatures I've seen in biology books

Sounds more like you need tequila, bud.
Old School baby
So I was reading an article on Green Source Gardens Pinkleberry on their website and stumble onto their germination direction page. I always like to read about hat people have to say and their technique both surprised and intrigued me! They recommend mixing rainwater with a little bit of your saliva, they mentioned the name of the enzyme but it escapes me now, anyway they said it help breakdown somethings and kickstart germination a little bit, while simultaneously letting the plant have some of your dna and getting to know you sooner. Now this immediately struck me as “bro science” even tho the breeder is a woman, but at the same time got me thinking. Ive always heardthat talking to plants helps, but that was due to the co2 and sound vibrations, i dont lnow where im going, but it was a fun read, and cool to hear a new way of germination that may be experimented with by me in the future. My only question, do i brush my teeth first? Or give it the real me lol!