Fems. I plucked the first set I saw and these showed up on the next set of nodes. I'll regretfully chop her tomorrow. Just sucks as yall know.
Don’t bro! Get us some closeup pics but the ones u posted earlier only 1 of them things looked possibly suspect but it was on opposite side of stem as what u photographed so it may be totally fine! Don’t jump the gun off bad info! Not everyone in here grows photos and has seem a legit male! A deformed bract does not a hermie make…..or something along them lines! Take some closeup pics of them suspect parts on both sides of stem or wherever u are concerned about! :d5:
I'm so confused. I think I might have left a "good morning guys" in a random thread on the forum somewhere where I've been reading.

Tons of awesome information. I learn tons. Thank you everyone who has taken their time to type all of this
What do you guys think about this about light recepies? I listened to a podcast where these growers swear by their technique to like give UV for a few minutes before or after the lights come on and how that changes the terpenes or something 🤷
I heard somewhere else a while back that plants who are grown in the sun develops different cannabinoids than plants grown indoors. So Ive been thinking maybe its connected and how maybe in the future we can control benefits of a plant by tweaking the spectrum its given.

Well, I'm a stoner, not a scientist, shoot me down, please.
What do you guys think about this about light recepies? I listened to a podcast where these growers swear by their technique to like give UV for a few minutes before or after the lights come on and how that changes the terpenes or something 🤷
I heard somewhere else a while back that plants who are grown in the sun develops different cannabinoids than plants grown indoors. So Ive been thinking maybe its connected and how maybe in the future we can control benefits of a plant by tweaking the spectrum its given.

Well, I'm a stoner, not a scientist, shoot me down, please.
Somebody posted an interview with Dr. Bugbee on here in the last couple of days. I think he said that after much research he found no benefit from UV. He also discussed red and blue spectra, but I think I lost my concentration somehow.
I mean, the same strain grown under hps vs led hits different, you gotta admit if you tried it. Same Indo/outdo. Never tried a side by side with different led setups, but maybe.

Or the differences are all in my head. Like pH 🤔
It's a bit back and forth with light. I also heard that guy from migro say that you can put whatever LED you got in your tent during flower cuz it's gonna do something good. So just bomb with photones more or less, in a late interview on dgs

Who's a big girl
My tent was.down to 18C last night. That Bugbee feller would be proud. I like to grow cold 😅 without any science behind it at all. It's HPS PTSD I think. Always, constantly working for colder temperatures in the grow area, whatever it takes 🥵