WTF is an organic treadmill? NVM, dog walking!
Feed him, hold onto the leash and try to keep up…. And try not to step in anything. The pace will be variable…. Sometimes you’ll be standing around waiting for the treadmill to smell where other treadmills have been….. And other times it will turn itself up to 11 and you’ll be sprinting to keep up…. The treadmill will be as tired as you are after this….. and will settle into a steady pace. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

80°F is not too hot just keep the RH ~60% to 65% over 90°F - 32°C is concerning and over 100 /40 is survivable but not for too many days in a row. The plant will survive but depending on the maturity if in late bud it gets ruined. in early veg it can invigorate a plant? Different strains will respond to high heat differently. @Mossy has some of the most cold tolerant strains I have seen.

Don't stress too much over 27°C.

Feed him, hold onto the leash and try to keep up…. And try not to step in anything. The pace will be variable…. Sometimes you’ll be standing around waiting for the treadmill to smell where other treadmills have been….. And other times it will turn itself up to 11 and you’ll be sprinting to keep up…. The treadmill will be as tired as you are after this….. and will settle into a steady pace. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Life through the eyes of a Stoner Owning a Dog Chapter One.

Now imagine a fat white guy with an old school wooden pipe dancing to this in nothing but tube socks.
I bought a floor ac for the bedroom since that’s where my tents are also located! ;) :rofl:
Been thinking about that. Thing is I live north of the polar circle. No one has an AC here man, its like against our cultural beliefs that we are a cold-people. We post shit about our snowmobiles everywhere and all the family photos had snotty kids in them with thick wool hats. And it's 10 days in total in a year I could use one.
I don't have one of those yet but people are starting to get these heat exchanging units more and more and they are ACs also. Maybe next year, gotta see what happens with the pricing on those units in a few weeks
I don't have an accurate par reading of my light since I have fiddled around with it. Is that bad? I mean, I go by feel 🤷 AND IT FEELS GOOD 🥳
I turn mine up until the leaves curl. I think the trickier time is during seedling and early growth where you don't want super intense lighting.
And....he doesn't get half the house if you fall out.......:pighug:........