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I have a TS2000. Donated it to the roommates avacado; it made a lot of heat. SP3000 too, I like it alot better than the TS series, still use my old DIY's over it though.

HLG has the lights I want but can't afford.

HLG Refurb I'm on the fence about. If you don't know how many hours it's used, you could be getting a light with half it's lifespan gone(like 85% of the original light output)
Does it still come with a warranty on their refurb?
:bighug::karmacloud::meds:Sucks when best friends go…..

I always get over the loss of my best friend with a new best friend.
Wife doesn’t want that… but she always looks at the SPCA site for adoptables so you never know… that will be her decision.
That’s just what it said on their website regarding the refurbs..

(tryin to come up with a joke involving the word "refurbz", but......i got nothin :dammit: ppp)
So since I’m bored and trying to keep my mind off tomorrows sad… I dropped 2 beans of each of the Twenty20 free the seeds… seeds.
Honey glaze, Honey face, and Early frost. Photoperiod Fast flowering. I will document my grow if and when they come up…
Have you tried pouring a little mickeyz on the problem? :shrug:
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