@Cerebral Goo not only do they stay moist but seeds seem to pop fast in them! Last 2 soaked seeds for 24hrs but no tail so planted anyway and both were breaking thru in just under 24hrs! Some leave hole open but i take off a tiny pinch of the material and use it like a cap to close off hole seed goes into! I had a big issue over or underwatering jiffy pucky or pots if i direct plant but yet to lose a seed in the plugs! I did just remember tho mine are rapid rooters since had em in stock at ace hardware around the corner from me!
They stay moist on their own or at least long enough for seed to sprout! Just add water before u plant and then squeeze it and wring out the excess!

Thanks Fruitz! How moist was one of my main questions. Whether to squeeze out the moisture, squeeze out the moisture and spritz the tops, or let it ride. Have clones in the Root Riots down. Just never sprouted seeds in them. Seems easier to do the cubes and transplant with the 4x4 bed. Also, just wanna try something new. Should have experimented with lesser seeds, but hey, no time like the present!
@Cerebral Goo not only do they stay moist but seeds seem to pop fast in them! Last 2 soaked seeds for 24hrs but no tail so planted anyway and both were breaking thru in just under 24hrs! Some leave hole open but i take off a tiny pinch of the material and use it like a cap to close off hole seed goes into! I had a big issue over or underwatering jiffy pucky or pots if i direct plant but yet to lose a seed in the plugs! I did just remember tho mine are rapid rooters since had em in stock at ace hardware around the corner from me!
Yeah, the Jiffy's are different than the Riots, but same concept. The Riots are almost sponge like and don't disintegrate. The later I don't like though. Will be switching over to an aeroponic cloner next time I pull clones. A buddy has been experimenting with one and seems to have it down pretty good. Will see what happens with the auto seeds and may do some experiments with different pucks/cubes