Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

We are going to have El Pollo Loco style grilled chicken today. Squeeze Orange, lemon, lime, marinade with crushed citrus peels, Olive oil, Turmeric, Onion, Garlic, cumin, salt pepper.

I have new longer welder's gloves to protect my baby ass hands :haha: wear gauntlets to turn your Big Wuss.................View attachment 1703778

What's up with your asbestos fingers like the rest of us cooks...?......cough cough....:pass:

:crying::crying::crying: Do you see the first pork chop that is turned over already, I did that without a glove on! Lesson Learned. This grill gets very hot. My hands are like a baby's ass, I went out and bought long welder's gloves today.

I don't want this guy to show up at my BBQ.

Welp….. it rained last night, and the new top kept the Jeep interior perfectly dry…..:yay:

The old hardtop leaked like a sieve, and I’d have to slam on the brakes to get the water to slosh forward to the drain holes :doh::doh::doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
With the new top you don't need to park on a hill or stop on the speed bump. I put drain holes where the water puddled in some older vehicles. It makes them a little more susceptible to rust at the hole even when painted but better than the pan rusting out.

Not excited for the Borderlands movie, probably the worst casting for a video game movie to date.
Isn't that the whole idea, you and your date get bored with the move. What can we do now?? I know................

Been there done that :rofl: