That cannaccino seems to be sans canna! :yoinks::rofl:
Takes a minute for the frozen chunk o’ butter to melt…. What, you think I forgot? Like I’m all sober and shit!?!?!?

Hanging my plants above my lights definitely not I have a separate drying tent

As for the buffer question yes I always buffer coco no matter what. I’ve done it a few ways all seemed fine. First I used botanicare calmag then I switched to buffering with just gypsum and Epsom. Lately I have been using my starting week 1-2 solution with a heavy dose of ca and mg. This way I’m still soaking in balanced nutes plus feeding cation exchange which happens anytime your coco drys out. Once coco drys the ca and mg cation sites are replaced with potassium I am almost certain that’s how it works.
I’m a little low on coco but I have a 4gal pot of it that’s been sitting outside under the patio cover about a month that was never used. Can I use it now even though it’s not fresh out of the bag? I’d think it’s ok but my days of assuming stuff are over lol
I’m a little low on coco but I have a 4gal pot of it that’s been sitting outside under the patio cover about a month that was never used. Can I use it now even though it’s not fresh out of the bag? I’d think it’s ok but my days of assuming stuff are over lol

I don’t see why not lots of folks reuse their coco. I am bit OCD so I’d give it a rinse and rebuffer then send it :headbang:

Might be little worried about bugs from being outside:shrug::pop: