Plus I’m delirious on account of all the heat….(already 95 out)…. :rofl:
Ya man just got done with the unloading portion at the house from my moms market she worked this morning! Had to leave at 8:15am to get it setup and then broke down at 2 to come home! I am spent! Gonna load the swordfish and jump in an epsom soak and get my chill on here in a few! :eyebrows::vibe::crying::lildab:
Ya man just got done with the unloading portion at the house from my moms market she worked this morning! Had to leave at 8:15am to get it setup and then broke down at 2 to come home! I am spent! Gonna load the swordfish and jump in an epsom soak and get my chill on here in a few! :eyebrows::vibe::crying::lildab: