Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Since I’ve been brought up

AFN - I just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve decided to step back and let my husband do his thing on here alone.

I’ve made the decision that he will just grow all the plants that he has and the ones I’ve started, including the ones intended for our grow off competition together . I know they will be in good hands, my husband’s very smart, talented and very passionate about plants.

I’m disappointed in the way a couple messages to my husband were received I think that it was a poor choice of words and especially to call him out in front of everyone but I don’t feel he was the intended target - I was, I have my reasons for the way I feel and why , and no it’s not because I’m pregnant , but I’m choosing to keep them to myself and move on and granted everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and thoughts; and people shouldn’t be censored or made uncomfortable , some might have an issue I’m on here and there’s some who want me on here.

I enjoyed interacting with the ones who want me here I thought I would come on and see new ways of growing ,learn more about my husbands hobby, crack a jokes back and forth with you guys and especially on my husband and interact with the everyone that my husband has told me nothing but good things about so it’s disappointing to see that message and most importantly something that’s important to my husband so I can maybe understand him better ,it gave us something to do together for quality time.

This world has taught me a lot about time, life’s short and you never know ,this year has been extremely difficult for me ( I know he has posted regarding my sister ) and I think what’s sad for me is this is the most I have enjoyed conversations and I haven’t laughed this much in awhile or felt closer to my husband .

I appreciate the supportive comments and reps that I got regarding the grow off with my husband and the start of my boot grow but I’m just going to focus on being @InkAddict$ wife behind the scenes again. Thank you to the ones who have sent messages regarding everything I do appreciate it.

It’s my choice to leave I know how @InkAddict$ feels about it; he doesn’t agree with my decision but as of now this is what I’m doing. I’m sure he will update everyone on the plants in his journal and LSC and the baby when we find out gender and at birth for everyone that’s interested.

I truly wish everybody the best ❤️

Sincerely @mrsinkaddict

@Mrs.InkAddict ...let me First Apologise whole heartedly for my inapprorite comment to @InkAddict$ ...

But....I'd like the right to reply to this.

This is my full and total comment on a subject that had already been brought up in LS...

I hope you don't mind me saying that it is driving me Nuts......

But..I Accept I am Old and Grumpy.........

so...You be You and I'll stick you on my no read list.

That means...if you need Technical need to Tag another member of staff......... :headbang: ...

It in no way mentions you...

You are reading a whole lt into a comment that simply isnt there.

I hope you don't mind me saying that it is driving me Nuts......
The billing and cooing drives me nuts...Because....

But..I Accept I am Old and Grumpy.........
I Know it is Me...not the two of you...

so...You be You and I'll stick you on my no read list.

So...I'll Remove ME from the situation.....You carry on doing what you are doing........

I cannot Think of anything more passive...

But....if I don't Tell will not get any tech help if you need it and you tag me.....and you will stop getting likes or plus reps on your posts from me...

So...better being Honest about it than leave you wondering why I've suddenly stopped responding to your posts.....
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