Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Sounds like a Perfect Lazy Sunday to me @MedCzech ....:zen:......

Hard work...but.....if it keeps the money coming in it is Worth have the Green Thumb.............

:pighug: Lovie could tell her what your Hourly Rate is.................:yeah: ...if you want a black eye..........

Happy Birthday @Mrs.InkAddict :bday: ...don't Forget to make a Wish.........................and remember in this post covid era.....if you blow the candles get to eat all the cake Yourself...... #JustSayin :cheersmate:
Thank you 😊 I appreciate it I will definitely make a wish 🌟 and I just might have to blow out all those candles since it’s my favorite kind of cake 😂 lol PPP
Got the last rose bush planted a bit a go and the lil prick gave me plenty of lil pricks, but bleeding is done. A love/hate relationship for sure. Got a air layer test to pull from the king white graft of my duet and hoping a nice bunch of roots will be in hand. Camellia Air layers from last year are putting on flower buds and have a nice amount of new green so those took to their pots very nicely. Those should sell quick come Sept when the blooms pop and already marked lower branches to wrap up for next years harvest. Always something growing on around here anymore.
Do got some tomatoe plants growing called big boys....just starting to flower a little...
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