Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Monday Live Stoners! me goose pimples just Thinking about it.......................... :pass:

You would never be able to unsee it, that gives me goose pimples :rofl:
View attachment 1634411

Ninja does good yorkshire puds too.......... :chef: ....

View attachment 1634412

I Feel a Purr coming on.................:snooze:....
Damn that looks good and I know I could eat it.
@PinkyNotTheBrain excellent framing with a very interesting subject, Well done!
The water is dark from the kelp extract and humic acid. Both are safe for hydroponics, and the water goes back to clearish within about 2 days of adding them. I've been adding 10ml of kelp extract and 3 ml of humex twice a week, and they seem quite happy. I've also been upping the nutes, and am now feeding them almost double what masterblend calls for, for tomatoes, and they are just growing like nutso.

I just started an Auto AK and an amnesia haze from seed, and their little seed hats came off yesterday. I always get so excited when that happens and I can see their leaves for the first time.

Hydroponics is definitely where its at. I can completely ignore them for days. Don't have to worry about watering. Twice a week I top each of the buckets off with a gallon to gallon an half of water and nutrients. No worries about gnats or other bugs. Its cleaner, no runoff to deal with, no dirt besides the small amount of coco in the little cups, and honestly I think I'm gonna try switching that to the little hydroton rocks next go around.

The biggest issue I've had is doing LST on them pushes the base of the plant down, which causes the nut cup to pop through the lid. I need to figure out some way to reinforce that, I think I'm going to make a wood saucer to sit it in, to hold it more stable once the plant gets bigger, instead of the flexible bucket lid that lets the cup pop through when its under pressure.
I would back off at least 10% on the nutrients and add more red light if you can. As far as defoliating I only trim low underneath just for air flow. Support systems are mostly troublesome but yoyos are more forgiving of small movements.

Looks like you have locked up the Mg. I would do a foliar application of Earth Juice MicroBlast. Stop adding Ca. Use Epsom salt for Mg.
Talk about late to the party, just started watching Shameless, man thats messed up.
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Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Monday Live Stoners!

You would never be able to unsee it, that gives me goose pimples :rofl:

Damn that looks good and I know I could eat it.

@PinkyNotTheBrain excellent framing with a very interesting subject, Well done!

I would back off at least 10% on the nutrients and add more red light if you can. As far as defoliating I only trim low underneath just for air flow. Support systems are mostly troublesome but yoyos are more forgiving of small movements.

Looks like you have locked up the Mg. I would do a foliar application of Earth Juice MicroBlast. Stop adding Ca. Use Epsom salt for Mg.
Thanks buddy!

All ive done is plain water. Same dirt every other plant i have is in:shrug:
Had a stoner moment again forgot to turn one of irrigation timers back to auto after flush. So the 2 gallon pots went a day and half without feed. Was in the tent looking around and went to spin a pot around and noticed it was extremally light more top weight then in the pot :yoinks: I pulled them out and gave a good hand feeding of a gallon per pot and barely got 10 % runoff. Only one that was limp was trikz other two seemed fine but very close :whew: Gave me a chance to get around Bubble gum queen adjusted and added some yoyo's she a beast

Night owl Bubblegum Queen Day 73


Day 54

Twenty20 Trikz front right, Mephisto Fugue state x Pink Panama Front Left, Mephisto Double Grape x Skywalker Left Rear

Any of u good people, ever try speedrun seeds? Wonder if they get as big as they claim.
Frosted cherry-os was awesome. Got a little over 4oz in a 1 gallon bag. 90 days. Granite haze was ok but nothing special
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