Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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We considered a van after our camper, but went with a trailer instead. There are no perfect rv setups, they are all a compromise, but for us, the Ford F150 towing a 21 foot trailer is a decent one. Good luck with the search. :goodluck: :pighug:

I recently read some wag who noted that RVing is spending a shit load of money to live like a homeless person. There have been times...

My weed garden is down until October/November sometime. OTOH, the tomatoes in the new greenhouse have done well. We have been eating them for weeks, and some friends taking care of the place now have done a couple major pickings since we left. At last count they put four large baggies of tomatoes in the freezer for us, and distributed a pile more to friends. Not a bad outcome when I just threw some bedding plants in just to see how the greenhouse worked. The greenhouse verdict is in - it grows stuff. :biggrin:

As a friend noted earlier this summer, zuchini gifts are so so, cherry tomato gifts are great. :pighug:

We have froze 7 gallons of tomatoes here. Still a few acorn squash going, and spuds haven't been dug yet. Our greenhouse is good for growing a few greens throughout the winter.. they grow slow but we get a bit of fresh greens most of the winter.

Hoping to find a lil rig I can take south this winter for a little trip while i still can. If it's meant to happen, something will show up. Oh, here is what happens to zucchini .. best use of zucchini i've seen :smokeit:



Sour Bubbly isn’t a good yielded 7 grams in .8 grams out partially my fault for over drying her been trying to bring rh up with boveda’s jars are at 58-60%
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You can throw a leaf in the jar and it'll bring the humidity up real quick
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