So I told you guys that my dad knew I grew, and he blabbed to his neighbor. But I have enough shit on his neighbor that if he screwed me, it would be mutually assured destruction, so I'm not worried about it.
Well turns out, he told my mom too. My mom came over today, we went to a festival with my family and had a nice day. We came back to the house and she kept asking to see my office and I blew her off and said nah, its dirty out there, you don't want to go out there. She'd ask again and I said "well me and the wife left some stuff...out there...". And she says "well....I heard a rumor that you are growing something..."
Sonofabitch. My dad told her. She said he swore her to secrecy, and only told her because well, I'm their son, and he thought it was funny what I was getting into.
She's totally cool, and I'm not worried about her talking. She knows my sister is a narc and not to say anything to her. I sent her home with half an ounce of a few different things, and my wife gave her a bag of 20mg gummies she got at the dispensary. My mom has her medical card, but she's never gone to a dispensary, she did the card online and then found out the closest dispensary was like an hour away and just never got around to it.
She also said she wanted to grow some stuff inside this winter, and had went to a class to learn about like growing things in the winter. She wanted to learn about like indoor growing with lights, and turns out this was like radishes and winter gourds and stuff. So I told her I'd give her my old 2x2 tent and she bought a 100 watt LED growlight on amazon that had a 30% off deal. I started a few dwarf tomato seeds for her this evening. Although if Issue 2 here in Ohio passes, I guarantee she's going to want to learn how to grow her own weed.