Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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I love joking about being married, but I'd do it over a million times with this gal.
You and me both. I feel lucky every day to have my better half in my life. :pighug:
Oh yeah that reminds me! I bought one 6 months ago and it’s still in the box I should probably get around to that since I bought it and all
No noticeable difference on my CO2 meter with 2 in a sealed cardboard box.
Oh yeah that reminds me! I bought one 6 months ago and it’s still in the box I should probably get around to that since I bought it and all
If I had a paycheck for every time I run into stuff that I forgot I had bought, just in case...:pighug:
I'm always amused by a woman's take on things. Ofcourse its my fault, I'm a male.
I'll bet I figured it out before you did... :rofl:
I think I'll get banned if I send you that pic here check your dms :rofl:

All the lower nodes have tiny balls and all the upper nodes have hairs.
I have 2 of these same freebies going and the other one isn't looking like this. Only hairs on that one.

View attachment 1611971
View attachment 1611972
That there is a full hermaphrodite. Unless you will otherwise be short of good bud, I'd bin the bugger, and not grow any more of that freebie strain. :pighug:
Bags are a waste of money. It's better to buy a regulator

my stoned brain read that as "bagz are a waste of'z better to buy a refrigerator" :rofl: :doh: ppp
That there is a full hermaphrodite. Unless you will otherwise be short of good bud, I'd bin the bugger, and not grow any more of that freebie strain. :pighug:
So on further inspection the other one has em too :cuss: so that's 2 for 2. I'm not hurting for bud so off they go. This was just a freebie run in half gallon pots cause my seed shoebox is getting full.


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