I bought a worm bin From Uncle Jim's Wormfarm. I got this one because of its size and where I can put it. I've had it in the living room to keep it nice and cool and also isolated to make sure there were no bad bugs. It's been established now for three weeks and the worms are growing like crazy!
I have a bunch of adults with "rings" showing on them. Just for testing, I bought a three month supply of their food. I'm mixing it with the material from making
J. They went nuts for that! They
devastated a big avocado. So now they're working on the second one. It's crazy to see the feeding and sex orgy going on underneath the avocados!
In the second picture you can see how the worms would get to the second section. When they fill up the first one. I'll will put the top one on and put the food on top to draw them in. I'll give it a week or so for them to migrate and then swap it out.
One of the things I was worried about was how well the lid fits. It fits extremely tight and no worms can get out. One of the other worm bins on his site had repo founding variables over a large group of peoplerts of the lid not fitting well and worms getting out.
When I make a sprouted seed tea with barley, They will get to feed on the solid material. They absolutely love that!
When the girls get established well in the 4 X4 tent, I'll find a bunch of adults and distribute them between the four pots. Probably in about two to three weeks. With as quick as they are eating and growing, I'm sure I'll have a bunch of cocoons in the media by then.