Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Hellz ya these are my kinda peoples! ;) :headbang::woohoo1:


1 order that had 2 drop offs but were only like 4 miles apart! Literally took longer to drive from first store to the 2nd then it took me in both stores combined pulling the actual order! Was only 28 items combined between the 2 orders so averaged out to over $1 per item to grab it off shelf and toss into basket!

Today wasn’t busy but between that and the 1 food order i took (also 2 drop offs) i made $70! Was maybe lil over 2hrs total i was actually running customer orders! :thumbsup:
I got a serious question about how im feeling rn.
I just got pretty pissed at my aunt stormed off immediately started feeling i guess nauseous.. sort of... and the left side of my face head and arm all feel really fuckin crazy rn. It's kinda hard to describe how shitty i feel all of a sudden Little trouble swallowing tried a shower feel a tiny bit better but not much. Its not the first time but its the most intense. It really doesn't feel like any kind of panic attack I've had. Only when im angry and very localized to the same spots especially the spots in my head. Should I be worried ? Is it just overtired.
Constant emotional trauma can trigger your HPA Axis to the point that your body poisons itself by releasing an excess of cortisol, but I'm not an MD. Several of your symptoms are also warning signs of a heart attack, so I'd get checked out pronto. If your emergency rooms are as slow as ours, a private urgent care facility could prevent a worst-case scenario.
Well, I got a bit of feel good news today from my disabled veteran buddy in Dallas.
He sent me a text a little while ago about His in-law's kinfolk, Charlotte. I don't know the particulars about her health problems, but it was relayed to me that the doctors pulled her off all her pain medicine and some other medicine. She's never used cannabis in any form, but evidently they were a bit desperate for some sort of relief.
So for testing purposes, I gave them two bottles of the coconut oil, a mixture of the CBD/THC Girls I grew this last run that I recovered from the dry ice worked material. It's definitely some very stout medication!
I also gave them two bottles of solely THC in MCT oil. That stuff is extremely stout!!!!:dizzy:

Here's what he said, "Okay! You're all helped Charlotte tremendously! I'll give you specifics later when we're playing GTA. Charlotte and her husband are extremely pleased with the results!"

That makes it worthwhile!:headbang::headbang:

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 10.16.12 PM.png
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